Friday, February 19, 2010

254 - Day 111

Ok, so I really, really, really want those Cole Haan shoes. I am thinking I should go try them on and then if they hurt my feet or don't fit right for whatever reason, I won't keep thinking about them. Trust me, I have NOTHING in my closet that even remotely resembles them.

I must stay strong...


Monday, February 15, 2010

-258 Day 107 It's all about shoes

Well I must admit I bought something. Not what you would think, but it is still something. I am in a book club with a group of running pals and I took the book with me to North Carolina for a biz trip. I left the book in the hotel room (at least I THINK I did since it isn't in my suitcase) so I went to Borders and bought a new one. There, I said it. I am feeling a little guilty, but it was unavoidable. Whew, now that's over, let's get down to what is really on my mind.

I got the new Nordstrom catalog in the mail and there are two pairs of shoes in it I am absolutely dying to own. Yes, I know, I have plenty of shoes and shoes I don't wear, but these. Ah these would take me entirely through spring, summer, fall and beyond. The first pair are Cole Haan Verona T-Straps. They come in black and brown and are SO me! I will try and post a picture if I can figure it out.

The second pair are Jimmy Choo's red patent Lace Mary Jane. They are the perfect pump and so sexy in red.
Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

-271 = Day 94 WOW

I am in the beginning of this venture. And what a beginning it has been. I haven't had the luxury of telling my friends and family (except a small few of you) about my project and what I am doing...or not doing as the case may be.

I believe that much of my shopping behavior is tied to my well-being or state of mind at any given moment. Like, when I am feeling really thin because I have lost weight, I want to go try on clothes and see what smaller size I can fit into. OR, when I have gained weight and can no longer fit into those smaller clothing sizes and I have given all my normal size clothes to the Goodwill, I shop for something that fits. So you see, my mental state is much in tuned to my shopping habits. Or vice versa. There is also this time of year when I begin feeling a somewhat limited by what I can wear. I mean, who decided you can't wear white between Labor Day and Memorial Day? I see women wearing white all year round in Orange County, CA, but I just can't bring myself to do it! Yikes! What is it? I know the fashion police are not going to bring me in, but I still can't do it. It is the same thing with open toed shoes. No place in November through March for sandels, but the moment it stops raining, out they come. Atrocious!

Anyway, last time I wrote, I was sad and wanted to shop. Now I just have the winter doldrums and want something fun to tide me over. Reviewing my CC bills over the last few years, February through March are my big months for Nordstrom and Me. I think it is those doldrums. And unlike "other people in their quest for not shopping", mine is not because I NEED anything. It is just to make an otherwise dull week seem brighter. And what is the harm in that?
